Find out which human foods are toxic to cats or not recommended for long-term consumption. Fish, eggs, milk and more.
10 very useful tips on how to raise a happy kitten. About the recommended food for a kitten and even toys.
A top 5 essential oils toxic to cats includes some of the most popular with humans, doTERRA oils.
Knowing how to care for baby kittens is absolutely necessary to give orphaned kittens a chance at life.
Can cats eat dog food? See how cat food differs from dog food and what are the recommendations.
Although cats love the heat, they can also suffer from heatstroke in the summer. See how you protect your cat from the heat on hot days.
Cauzele din care tremură pisica. Ce trebuie să facem când pisica începe să tremure. Tremuratul poate fi cauzat de infecții, durere, stres...
The cat needs to be scratched and petted. Laws requiring owners to sterilize cats or prevent them from breeding.
How do we get rid of fleas on kittens? Solutions and methods for deworming kittens. Special substances and attention.
What is molting in cats and what are the causes of this cycle by which the cat changes its coat every year.