In this article you will see 10 tips on how to protect your cat from the bangs of fireworks and firecrackers on New Year's Eve.
See which Christmas plants are poisonous to cats and which you should avoid in decorating your home for the holidays.
Tooth resorption in cats is a common and progressive condition that affects the enamel and dentin of the teeth.
Stomatitis in cats is inflammation of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity, manifested by redness, pain and loss of normal functions.
Periodontal disease in cats is a common condition that affects the oral cavity and the supporting tissues of the teeth.
See how gingivitis in cats manifests itself, what are the first signs, causes and treatment. Dental health in cats.
The most common reasons why the cat urinates outside the litter box. Helpful tips on how to teach your cat to urinate in the litter box.
Find out which human foods are toxic to cats or not recommended for long-term consumption. Fish, eggs, milk and more.
10 very useful tips on how to raise a happy kitten. About the recommended food for a kitten and even toys.
A top 5 essential oils toxic to cats includes some of the most popular with humans, doTERRA oils.