House Cat
Useful tips on how to take good care of your domestic cat, from the first moments of its life to old age. What foods are recommended for your cat according to age and breed, how to keep them free of parasites and ensure a high quality of life.
Before you have a dog and cat in the same house, you must take into account several aspects and scenarios for a cohabitation in harmony.
All you need to know before making the decision to bring a new cat into the house, when you already have one or more cats.
Before adopting a cat, you should know that it comes with a lot of long-term responsibility and expense.
If you want a tracking device for cats, the Apple AirTag is a very good solution that allows you to locate the cat at any time.
Fish in the diet of cats is an important source of nutrients. It contains protein and omega-3 fatty acids, beneficial to the cat.
How much should a cat eat in a day to lead a healthy, active and long life without the risk of obesity or diabetes.
Conflicts between cats in the house are not uncommon, but they can be very stressful. Tips for preventing feline aggression.
How you can transport your cat by car over long distances and what you need to keep in mind before taking your cat on a trip.
Before adopting a cat, you need to know how long you can leave your cat alone at home and what you need to consider when you're away.
A quick guide to indoor cat safety. Find out what dangers threaten your cat when it is alone at home and what you need to do.