The cat needs to be scratched and petted. Laws requiring owners to sterilize cats or prevent them from breeding.
How do we get rid of fleas on kittens? Solutions and methods for deworming kittens. Special substances and attention.
Chronic Otitis in Cats. The cause of excessive ear scratching. What are the symptoms and what treatment is there for chronic otitis.
Why cats play and how we choose cat toys. Sisals with places to sharpen claws and hiding places. Favorite toys.
Lack of appetite in cats. What are the causes of low appetite and how much is normal for a cat to eat each day.
Vaccination of cats. What does vaccination entail, at what age is it done, benefits, adverse reactions to the vaccine and the vaccination schedule.
Calicivirosis or Feline Coryza - Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Identify the signs of calicivirus and get the right treatment.
Panleukopenia or Feline Parvovirus (FPV) - Symptoms, causes, treatment and vaccine. How can we prevent the cat from being infected with this virus?
The first case of coronavirus in a cat! The first case of transmission of the coronavirus COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) from a human to a cat has been confirmed.
During the travel restrictions (Covid), many people thought it was a good opportunity to take the cat for a walk.