Cat Toys

Why cats play and how we choose cat toys

When we enter a pet shop, in addition to the food shelves, we inevitably end up with cat toys.

One of the characteristics of cats is their increased appetite for play. There are very few cats that refuse to play with various objects found in the house, with other cats or with a simple ball of paper.

Cats' appetite for play is inversely proportional to their age. It is very true that kittens especially have the greatest desire to play, which start running, climbing on curtains, drapes and even on their owners' feet from the first weeks of life. However, mature and older cats should not be ignored either, who also have their play periods, although less often with age.

Why do cats play?

Playing with cats is not quite what it seems. If in our children, play is a characteristic of childhood, a form of relaxation, energy consumption and physical training, in cats the emphasis is more on the last aspect. Through play, kittens train themselves physically and begin to learn their first predatory skills. Even if a cat is born and raised in the house, it is still a predator and will never refuse to attack a small bird, a mouse or even an insect.

Through play, kittens learn to climb various objects, lurk, ambush, camouflage, use their claws, teeth and avoid danger. They will not refuse to nest even the birds that appear on the TV or on the screen of an iPad, as you can see in action on Buffy.

If we have a cat in the house (of any age), it is good to take time and play with it. Mature and senior cats need exercise for healthy balance, and kittens need play to burn off their energy and for proper development.

How do we choose cat toys?

First of all, when we provide a cat toy, we must be very careful that it does not cause injury or serious injury to them. "Rods", that is sticks with strings, can be very attractive to cats, regardless of age. We must keep in mind that it is not recommended to leave such a toy with them when we are not around. During play, the cat may strangle itself with the string of the "rod" or grasp its upper/lower limbs tightly. We also have to be very careful when buying a toy, that it does not have hard and sharp surfaces.

It is recommended that cat toys are purchased from pet shops and specialty stores, where we have some guarantee that the products are compliant and meet safety standards.

Appetite to play with certain toys and objects differs from cat to cat, depending on their breed, age, preferences and personality. For example, there are cats for whom the "rod" is not a play object, but they are happy and will have fun with a simple ball of paper or a candy wrapper.

A good example is our cats, Buffy and Mouse. Buffy gets excited every time and looks forward to throwing away the wrapper when we open a HALLS candy. The game isn't over until the packaging is under the sofa.

For Soricel, the paper ball is not interesting at all and sometimes neither is the "rod". Instead, she is crazy about plastic juice straws, catnip toys, and empty boxes in which she can camouflage herself.

Therefore, before spending money on a cat toy, we must "ask the child" what he prefers. The purchase may be less exciting than a simple candy wrapper.

However, most cats won't turn down play complexes, especially tall ones they can climb on and have sisal surfaces to sharpen their claws on. If the compound also has a box or two where they can hide, you can imagine having a little Disneyland for cats in your home.

Why cats play and how we choose cat toys
Why cats play and how we choose cat toys

If you do not have enough space to place a sisal play complex, a solution could be to use a free wall. Manufacturers of cat toys and play sets also offer options for tight spaces, such as wall-mounted play sets.

These wall-mounted play sets are designed to give cats the opportunity to climb, stretch and play, occupying a vertical space instead of a horizontal one. They can include various platforms, ladders, cushions and attached toys to give your cat mental stimulation and exercise.

Mounting a playset to the wall generally requires installing sturdy brackets or shelves to support the cat's weight and provide stability. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions and ensure that the fastening is strong and secure.

Wall assembly, playground for cats.
Wall assembly, playground for cats.

This solution can be ideal for saving space in an apartment or a home with little space available for toys and traditional play complexes. Your cat will be able to enjoy a raised play area without taking up too much space in the room.

Make sure you choose a wall play set that suits your cat's needs and preferences and is built from safe and durable materials. Whatever solution you choose, be sure to provide your cat with adequate opportunities for exercise, mental stimulation, and entertainment.


Animals hold a special place in my heart, but cats have a unique charm I simply can't resist. is my passion project, created to share personal experiences with all cat lovers. Although I am not a veterinarian, my articles reflect my passion and love for these animals, without providing specialized perspectives.


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