You will end up in Hell if you love cats, said an Orthodox priest

These days, a pope of the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR - or - the Institution of Manuirii Neamului), touched on a rather sensitive topic that became very viral on social networks. Mr. Orthodox Pope, Matei Vulcănescu, posted on a social network (that is, that place where you can lie and manipulate freely, without anyone holding you accountable) a message from which it is understood that you will end up in Hell if you love cats.

"Cat and dog worshipers will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven! Who keeps animals in the house and (sic!) substitutes them for people claiming that they are better than the people for whom Christ died! Let it be Anathema!”

"Either the cat or Christ! Neither can the Kingdom of Heaven and the cat! Whoever does not give up the cat goes to Hell! The animal has come to replace man! Pets are our gods!"

Matei Vulcănescu

Unfortunately, he is not the only one who thinks this way. I have also heard from ordinary people, from business people or personalities, the idea that if you love pets, it means that you do not have the power to love people or divinity.

You will end up in Hell if you love cats, said an Orthodox priest

We live in a fairly free world where everyone is allowed to express their own opinions, unless they are opinion makers like the pops are. Some cultures or religions may have different conceptions of the relationship between humans and animals and may assign different values ​​to these interactions. Some people may feel that pets should not receive significant attention and affection, or that they should only be viewed as utilities or resources.

Matei Vulcănescu I think he knows very well the history of the church he belongs to and how many crimes against humanity and culture Christianity has produced in a few centuries, on all continents. Expansion of Christianity in which the bible took on various forms, adapted to local cultures, with the aim of manipulating, subduing and exterminating them. All in the name of God. A "Lord" who appeared somewhere in the century. I, several thousand years apart after the cat was domesticated and considered sacred in many cultures.

"Either the cat or Christ! Neither can the Kingdom of Heaven and the cat!" or the idea that you will end up in Hell if you love cats, puppies or other living things, shows that Mr. Pope is "a good Christian". A Christian capable at any time of bringing back to life the institution of inquisition (the Catholic Holy Inquisition) or heresy (the brutal form of submission to orthodoxy), which, as I said above, has committed numerous crimes over the centuries on all continents.

But, this is it a web page dedicated to cats, so let's give them the attention they deserve.

You will end up in Hell if you love cats, said an Orthodox priest
God with Cat

Than with the popa in heaven, better with the cats in hell", commented a user on Mr. Pope's Facebook page, before it became inaccessible.

And if you are a religious person, it is more humane: "What God has created, man should not despise, but love".

Iubesc toate animalele, însă nu-mi pot ascunde slăbiciunea pentru pisici. este un proiect de suflet pe care vreau să împart experientele mele cu alți iubitori de feline. Nu sunt medic veterinar, așadar, articolele mele nu reprezintă un punct de vedere specializat.

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