Is milk recommended for cats?

Although many people associate cats with milk, things are quite different. In short, it is a certainty that cat milk is not recommended. Most adult cats are lactose intolerant, which means they cannot digest lactose and can suffer from digestive problems such as diarrhea, bloating and vomiting.

And yet, where does the myth that cats drink milk come from? Over time, the idea that cats love milk has been perpetuated by many cartoons and stories. In fact, milk is normal for only kittens to consume, and only milk from the mother cat. In exceptional cases, when the mother cat can no longer breastfeed the kittens, they can be fed special milk that can be bought in veterinary pharmacies.

Is milk recommended for cats?

No, cat milk is not recommended. Milk, in essence, contains lactose, a sugar commonly present in milk. During nursing, kittens produce an enzyme called lactase, which is essential for breaking down lactose. With maturation, this enzyme is produced less and less, which can lead to lactose intolerance in adult cats. Drinking milk under these conditions, in an adult cat, can cause unpleasant symptoms, such as diarrhea, vomiting or bloating.

Is milk recommended for cats?
Is milk recommended for cats?

But there are also exceptions. Some cats can tolerate milk without problems, even if they are adults, but that doesn't mean you can give them any type of milk.

What kind of milk is recommended for cats?

Cow's milk, which is the most common type of milk given to cats, is high in fat and calories. This can lead to weight gain and weight-related health problems such as obesity and diabetes.

Goat's milk is an alternative to cow's milk, being easier to digest. The casein molecule and fat globules are smaller, allowing it to be digested in the small intestine and partially reach the large intestine where it can ferment. Goat's milk is also distinguished by its higher content of amino acids, vitamins and minerals than cow's milk, making it a more nutritious option.

To read: How do you care for orphaned infant kittens?

If your cat is lactose intolerant, but you still want to give milk to your cat, there are lactose-free options or special feline milk that you can buy from the petshop.

In conclusion. no milk is recommended for cats, except goat's milk, but administered in very small quantities.

Iubesc toate animalele, însă nu-mi pot ascunde slăbiciunea pentru pisici. este un proiect de suflet pe care vreau să împart experientele mele cu alți iubitori de feline. Nu sunt medic veterinar, așadar, articolele mele nu reprezintă un punct de vedere specializat.

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