How to make your cat lose weight. Useful advice.

Obesity is a pretty serious problem for both humans and pets. Obesity can lead to many health problems or problems that lead to a decrease in the quality of life. In this article we present some useful tips to help your cat lose weight and return to its optimal weight.

Obesity among cats is becoming an increasingly widespread problem, and there is a significant chance that your furry friend is among those pets who need to lose weight. While it may seem like calorie tracking is a burden, a more constructive approach would be to look at it as an act of love. There are pleasant ways to make your cat lose weight.

Many pet lovers find overweight pets adorable, but extra pounds can hide numerous health problems that can negatively affect quality of life and reduce life expectancy. These include type 2 diabetes (especially in cats), early arthritis, high blood pressure, torn ligaments, spinal problems (including paralysis), and heart disease.

However, it is not simple to transition your pet from generous portions of food to a less appetizing diet. Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to make this transition easier for your cat and help her lose weight.

How to make your cat lose weight. Useful advice.
How to make your cat lose weight. Useful advice.

Before you see what methods you can use to make your cat lose weight, you should know that any new diet plan should start with a consultation with your veterinarian. It will establish the optimal body weight and caloric requirements for your cat and monitor its progress.

Methods by which you can make your cat lose weight

Obesity in cats is a serious problem, but it can be prevented and managed by adopting a healthy lifestyle and consistent application of weight loss methods.

First of all, if your cat is obese, you need to take her to a vet. Some diets and weight loss methods may not be suitable for your cat. Like obesity, uncontrolled weight loss can seriously affect your cat's health. The vet will also confirm obesity and rule out other medical problems that may be contributing to the cat's weight gain.


Perhaps out of convenience, many cat owners leave their food bowls to their discretion, which is not advisable at all, especially if the vet has determined that the cat is obese. To make the cat lose weight, reduce the amount of food offered daily, according to the recommendations of the veterinarian. Also, choose a special food for obese cats, which has a reduced calorie content and richer fiber, promoting satiety and weight loss.

Rewards can significantly contribute to obesity in cats. Many owners are not aware that even the smallest commercial treats, whether high-end or "natural", can often provide the same amount of calories as an extra meal.

That doesn't mean you have to cut out snacks completely, though. You can give pets treats in the form of frozen vegetables, green beans or carrots. You can also split a reward into multiple chunks to limit the number of rewards offered. Also be aware of the sugar content of snacks.

To help a cat lose weight, it's important to be careful about foods that are toxic to animals, such as onions, chocolate, grapes, raisins, and raw eggs. Always avoid foods that contain artificial sweeteners such as xylitol, which is extremely toxic to dogs and cats, even in very small doses.

If the cat likes regular food, you can try giving it as a reward. Divide the daily portion, giving a quarter in the morning and the rest as rewards throughout the day. Thus, you will provide the cat with all the necessary calories, plus snacks.

Establish a regular meal schedule to avoid overfeeding and cut back on excessive treats and give your cat healthy snacks in moderation.

Exercise will make your cat lose weight

Obese cats are generally cats that like to sleep most of the day and do little exercise. Stimulate the cat with interactive games using attractive toys, giving the cat the opportunity to climb, jump and explore new skills to increase activity levels. You can also take the cat for a walk on a leash or use a laser for play.

A daily play schedule will help your cat lose weight and maintain a healthy physical condition.

Patience and attention

Do not expect the cat to lose weight after the first few days of the diet. Losing weight is a gradual process and you should not be discouraged if the results do not appear immediately. Weigh the cat regularly and observe its behavior carefully. A change in diet can be stressful for it, and it's good to provide the cat with a loving and supportive environment to make it easier to adjust to the new lifestyle.

Also read: Lack of appetite in cats - Causes and Treatment

In conclusion, for your cat to lose weight you need to consider three important aspects: feeding, exercise and patience. It is not recommended to put your cat on a drastic diet, as it can lead to health problems.

Iubesc toate animalele, însă nu-mi pot ascunde slăbiciunea pentru pisici. este un proiect de suflet pe care vreau să împart experientele mele cu alți iubitori de feline. Nu sunt medic veterinar, așadar, articolele mele nu reprezintă un punct de vedere specializat.

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