Distance education for cats in self-isolation

Since kindergartens, schools, universities and other educational institutions are closed during the pandemic, the courses have moved online. An excellent idea for cats in self-isolation.

We adapted too, and the iPad was a big help.

Buffy had these days"biology class and virtual hunting". He learned online about birds, squirrels and experimented with some tactical schemes of attack.

P.S. The iPad escaped with its life. ^_^

You have what funny cat pictures?

Iubesc toate animalele, însă nu-mi pot ascunde slăbiciunea pentru pisici. PISICILE.ro este un proiect de suflet pe care vreau să împart experientele mele cu alți iubitori de feline. Nu sunt medic veterinar, așadar, articolele mele nu reprezintă un punct de vedere specializat.

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