Feline Health and Conditions
Cat health and conditions. How to approach a healthy lifestyle for our cat. What is the most suitable food according to age, race or health problems, care and how to deal with medical problems.
Gastroesophageal reflux in cats can develop into a serious health problem if not treated in time.
See which Christmas plants are poisonous to cats and which you should avoid in decorating your home for the holidays.
Tooth resorption in cats is a common and progressive condition that affects the enamel and dentin of the teeth.
Stomatitis in cats is inflammation of the mucous membrane in the oral cavity, manifested by redness, pain and loss of normal functions.
Periodontal disease in cats is a common condition that affects the oral cavity and the supporting tissues of the teeth.
See how gingivitis in cats manifests itself, what are the first signs, causes and treatment. Dental health in cats.
When the cat's mouth smells bad, the causes can be due to dental hygiene or a problem with the internal organs.
Scabies in cats is a parasitic dermatological condition with a significant contagious impact. See types of rabies and treatment.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) in cats. What are the causes of heart disease, symptoms and how to treat this pathology.
How does it manifest itself, what are the causes and what is ataxia in cats? See what are the causes, symptoms and treatment for ataxia.