A quick guide to indoor cat safety. Find out what dangers threaten your cat when it is alone at home and what you need to do.
The main contagious diseases that cats can transmit to humans (zoonoses) and what are the risks of getting sick from cats.
Heat period in cats. What changes occur in their behavior, how long this period lasts and what is good to know.
Deputy Daniel-Liviu Toda initiated a law to euthanize stray cats, if they are not claimed within 7 days.
FeLV, or Feline Leukemia Virus, is a condition that weakens the cat's immune system and causes major health problems.
See what are the most common diseases of the kidney system in cats. Cystitis, urolithiasis and inflammation of the urinary system.
Cat Scratch Disease, or Cat Scratch Fever, is a condition caused by the bacterium Bartonella henselae.
The most common skin problems in cats, their causes and how they can be treated. Alopecia, dermatitis, ringworm, abscess and other conditions.
What are skin allergies in fish, what are the causes of these exaggerated reactions of the immune system and how can allergies be treated.
Constipation in cats is a condition in which the cat has difficulty passing stool or has a reduced frequency of defecation.